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A B O U T   U S

Lisa Storm


A church is not a steeple, a country club, or even an organized program of religious activities. The New Testament stresses that the Church is God’s household, a family of those who genuinely believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life. Redeemer Baptist Church is one local expression of this universal family of those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the promised Savior from God.


Redeemer Baptist church is a Southern Baptist church committed to the authority and relevancy of the Bible. We are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the gospel, making committed disciples, and equipping people to serve God and each other. We realize that relationships are important to God. That is why we make it a priority to help you build lasting relationships in all areas – with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, with your family and friends, and with other believers.


Our purpose is to be used by the Holy Spirit to generate Christlikeness through a balanced ministry of sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet believe, and then strengthening those who believe. Growth in Christ occurs as we commit ourselves to learning and obeying God’s inspired Word, to prayer, and to sharing our lives as brothers and sisters in God’s family. Our leaders are committed to helping you come to know Jesus Christ intimately and to share the thrill of living life dedicated to serving Him.


The church began as an outreach Bible Study in October 1990. God blessed us and the group continued to grow. In March 1991, we secured the present facility. Our focus was never to build a “church” but to reach the lost and un-churched for Christ. We have seen many lives changed as individuals and families have trusted in Jesus.

About Us

Redeemer Baptist Church is Southern Baptist church committed to making a difference in people's lives, calling them to a deep genuine relationship with God and helping one another grow as we follow Him. We want to develop contagious Christ-followers who have a passion for God, devotion to one another, and compassion for others. 

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3230 Lindberg Rd

Anderson, Indiana 46012

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